This postcard from the collection of Gary Thompson, "Giants of Speed and Power at A Century of Progress," was issued by the Burlington Route (Chicago, Burlington & Quincy). It features three locomotives displayed at the Century of Progress in 1933: The Royal Scot of the London, Midland & Scottish Railway in Britain, CB&Q Hudson No. 3000, and CB&Q 4-4-0 No. 35. The Royal Scot and its train toured North America following the 1933 fair, for which purpose the headlight (not common on British locomotives) was installed, and returned to England from Montreal. No. 3000 was just three years old, being the first of the Burlington Route's 4-6-4s erected by Baldwin in 1930. Five of these CB&Q Hudsons survive, though not No. 3000; for dimensions of this class, see the Burlington Route page in our Steam Locomotive Archive. No. 35, sporting an old-fashioned balloon stack for the fair, is displayed today at the Patee House Museum in St. Joseph, Missouri.