The Burlington Route was not known for its 4-8-2s, but it operated twenty-one of these lanky engines in two classes. The B-1A class of 13 locomotives, represented by this builder’s photo of No. 7008, came from Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1925. The CB&Q acquired these locomotives in order to avoid double-heading with heavy express trains. The first seven engines in this subclass, Nos. 7008-7014, were built as lignite-burners, using the soft western fuel. Members of the B-1A group weighed 376,440 pounds minus tender, and exerted 52,754 pounds of tractive force. They featured drivers of 74 inches in diameter, developed a boiler pressure of 210 p.s.i., and had cylinder dimensions of 27x30 inches. (For other dimensions see the commentary for No. 7020, following.) No. 7008 was among the first of the CB&Q 4-8-2s to be dropped from the roster, in 1953.